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2024 PAC Elections

Elizabeth Andrews High

Dekalb County Schools

Registration Age Requirements

Pursuant to both O.C.G.A. 20-2-150 and SBOE Rule 160-5-1-.28, general education students would be eligible for enrollment unless they have attained the age of 20 by September 1, or unless they have attained the age of 21 by September 1 and have not previously dropped out of school for one quarter or more, or unless they have already received a high school diploma or equivalent. 


This is mostly consistent (excepting the language regarding quarter vs. semester) with Board Policy JBB on maximum enrollment ages, which states as follows:

  1. General Education Program

    A student is eligible for enrollment in the appropriate general education program unless the student either attains the age of twenty on or before September 1 or has received a high school diploma or the equivalent.  Provided a student has not dropped out of school for one semester or more, this eligibility shall be extended if the student has not attained the age of twenty-one on or before September 1 or received a high school diploma or the equivalent.


The Board Policy JQKA requires refugee/immigrant/asylee students to meet applicable age and residency requirements.  The federal Migrant Education Program allows funds to be allocated for the purpose of serving eligible migrant children through the age of 21, although there is not a current Board Policy or regulation touching on that particular issue.

Special Education Students

Pursuant to O.C.G.A. 20-2-150 and SBOE Rule 160-5-1.28, special education students who are eligible under IDEA may attend public school up through the age of 21, or until they receive a regular high school diploma, whichever is sooner.  This is consistent with the District’s Board Policy JBB, which states as follows:

  1. Special Education Program

    A special education student is eligible for enrollment in appropriate education programs up to and including his or her twenty-second birthday, or until he or she receives a high school or special education diploma or the equivalent, whichever occurs first, provided the student was enrolled the preceding school year and had an approved Individualized Education Plan which indicated that a successive year of enrollment was needed.

Notably, this is also consistent with language in the District’s PPP manual, which states:

“In accordance with the mandate of the Georgia Department of Education requiring each local school district to determine its internal procedure for students with disabilities who turn 22 years of age and the Board of Education Policy [JBB], the DeKalb County School District makes available a free appropriate public education (FAPE) to all students with disabilities between the ages of three through twenty-one. . .For students who reach age 22 during the school year, all special education services will terminate on the date of the student’s 22nd birthday. . .”

However, SBOE Rule 160-4-7-.02(1)(b) does provide districts discretion to allow special education students who reach the age of 22, and who are still receiving services at that time, to continue through the end of the current semester or year:

“(b) If a student is receiving services upon reaching age 22, the LEA shall have a written procedure that identifies a process for completing services to which the adult student has been previously entitled.  LEAs shall state in writing that the goal is to secure the successful transition of students to their desired post-school outcomes and will collaborate to complete that transition by age 22.  If a student is still attending school at age 22, the LEA shall state whether services will cease on the student’s 22nd birthday, or will continue until the end of the semester or until the end of the current school year.  If an adult student remains after their 22nd birthday, the LEA shall notify the adult student and the parent(s) that although services will continue, no individual entitled to FAPE or other rights under IDEA are afforded the adult student.”

Adult Education Program  

We are extremely excited that the DeKalb County School District offers an adult education program, so adult students should be referred to explore options available.  Register here.  Qualifying learners may earn your high school equivalency diploma for FREE. The HOPE High School Equivalency Examination Grant is now available to qualified individuals in Georgia, covering the cost of their GED test. To apply, please visit!

Note:  Ms. Coward may have more information or brochures that can be shared with families.  I will visit the Family Engagement Hub today; however, the following team members may provide additional guidance:

For more Adult Education Program information, feel free to contact: 

           678.676.0383 | Office