Promotion and Retention Policy
Students who enter the ninth grade in 2005-2006 and
beyond are required to complete 360 hours (24 units) in order to meet the
requirements for graduation. The requirements
for promotion are as follows:
1. To the tenth grade: 90 hours (6 units), three (3) of which must be core courses+
And three (3) elective courses
2. To the eleventh grade: 180 hours (12 units), six (6) of which must be core courses+ and six (6) elective courses
3. To the twelfth grade: 270 hours (18 units), nine (9) core courses+ and (9) electives
+Core courses include English,
Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, and World Language
Required Action: All seniors must submit the Senior Checkout Form for graduation. The form can be accessed here.
Diploma Replacement: Please see the attached document that contains the procedure for requesting a replacement diploma.